Drinking too much pineapple juice might trigger acid reflux and other symptoms like diarrhea nausea or irritation. This acid returns to the food pipe causing acid reflux or heartburn. Pin On Reflux You can try it for a week and see how your heartburn goes through. . Developmental changes in pineapple Ananas Comosus L Merrill fruit acidity was determined for a Smooth Cayenne high acid clone PRI36-21 and a low acid clone PRI63-555. As for the pineapple there are controversial opinions among doctors. Although pineapple is acidic in nature but it has alkalizing effect on the body due to the presence of bromelain which has alkaline affect and anti-inflammatory properties. Many fruits and vegetables contain a level of acidity. Some doctors advise against eating pineapples if you have acid reflux. Some of them do not recommend it because it is a highly acidic fruit and can worsen the symptoms. It has been for exa...